Read Millenium Tome 1 Les hommes qui n'aimaient pas les femmes French edition of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo French Edition French Edition Stieg Larsson 9780320080173 Books

Contraint d?abandonner son poste de rédacteur pour avoir diffamé un requin de la finance, Mikael Blomkvist est bientôt associé à Lisbeth Salander, jeune femme rebelle et fouineuse, pour travailler avec Henrik Vanger, un industriel désireux de faire la lumière sur la disparition, vieille de plus de trente ans, de sa petite nièce, au cours d?une réunion familiale?
Read Millenium Tome 1 Les hommes qui n'aimaient pas les femmes French edition of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo French Edition French Edition Stieg Larsson 9780320080173 Books
"There was so much more information and a better flow to the story. The book has time to provide full fleshed characters and many more than those few that were in the movie. A lot did not make it from the book to the movie. Si vous etes francais. Je vous demande pardon qu'il n'est pas les accents. Ce livre etait bon. Vous l'aimerez."
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Tags : Millenium, Tome 1 Les hommes qui n'aimaient pas les femmes (French edition of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) (French Edition) (French Edition) [Stieg Larsson] on . Contraint d?abandonner son poste de rédacteur pour avoir diffamé un requin de la finance, Mikael Blomkvist est bientôt associé à Lisbeth Salander,Stieg Larsson,Millenium, Tome 1 Les hommes qui n'aimaient pas les femmes (French edition of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) (French Edition) (French Edition),French and European Publications Inc,032008017X,Literature Fiction / General
Millenium Tome 1 Les hommes qui n'aimaient pas les femmes French edition of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo French Edition French Edition Stieg Larsson 9780320080173 Books Reviews :
Millenium Tome 1 Les hommes qui n'aimaient pas les femmes French edition of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo French Edition French Edition Stieg Larsson 9780320080173 Books Reviews
- There was so much more information and a better flow to the story. The book has time to provide full fleshed characters and many more than those few that were in the movie. A lot did not make it from the book to the movie. Si vous etes francais. Je vous demande pardon qu'il n'est pas les accents. Ce livre etait bon. Vous l'aimerez.
- When Mikael Blomqvist arrives on remote Hedeby Island to do research for the biography of Swedish industrialist Henrik Vanger and his large family, he is looking for a place where he can avoid attention. Blomqvist, a financial journalist for Millenium magazine, is due to serve a three-month prison sentence soon for libeling a man he accused of criminal activity. For his own reasons, he did not challenge the charge and offered no defense, preferring to get the sentence over with in the face of enormous publicity. The temporary job he accepts on this remote island involves the search for Harriet Vanger, Henrik's niece who disappeared from the island when she was sixteen--thirty-seven years ago.
Sometimes helping Blomqvist in his research is Lizbeth Salander, a young woman thought to have Asperger's syndrome, who is under the guardianship of the state. Salander has suffered enormous sexual and emotional abuse and has withdrawn to the point that she trusts no one. Marking events in her life through tattoos and body piercings, she lives as solitary a life as possible, connecting primarily through the internet where she has "met" several fellow computer hackers. Gradually, Salander begins to respond to Blomqvist's honesty and respect for her talents as she discovers important new information about the Vanger family.
Though the novel starts rather slowly as the characters are introduced and the genealogy of the Vanger family is explored, author Stieg Larsson succeeds in creating a sense of Sweden's social culture and atmosphere as he sets up this "closed room" mystery and creates vibrant characters to carry the action. The reader cares about Blomqvist and Salander from the beginning, as both are vulnerable and have suffered unjustly, and as the novel develops, the author also creates sympathy for the elderly Henrik Vanger. Larsson was the editor of an anti-racist magazine, and his unforgettable depiction of some of the other Vanger relatives, who were ardent adherents of fascist and Nazi movements, carries the ring of authenticity.
Entitled The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo when it was published in the US, the novel reveals the skeletons in the Vanger family closet and a host of repulsive crimes, including murder, rape, torture, and the wanton abuse of women over many years. The novel becomes an utterly compelling can't-put-it-downer, as the reader "travels" with Blomqvist and Salander, sharing their frustrations and their physical danger as they investigate this decades-old disappearance. Developed in minute detail, this rich novel is especially satisfying because it leaves no loose threads, connecting every detail to produce a blockbuster conclusion which satisfies in every way. n Mary Whipple
The Girl Who Played with Fire, the second novel in this trilogy, due in January
The third novel, tentatively titled The Air Castle That Blew Up, has no US publication date yet. - This book started its life with the Swedish title "Men who hate women" but was published in English as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - available from in July.
The title Millenium is for a trilogy by Stieg Larsson, which was published in Sweden after he died of a massive heartattack in 2004 (according to Wikipedia.) The series is about one journalist/owner of a magazine called Millenium, and his experience solving mysteries with the Girl of the English title. As far as I can see, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the TV series Millenium.
The second volume will be available in January, called the same as the Swedish, The Girl Who Played With Fire.
The third novel in Swedish is "Luftslottet som sprängdes" ("The air castle that blew up"). I suppose the English title will be "the girl who blew up air castles"?
I read the first 2 in the Danish translation and enjoyed them thoroughly. The girl of the title has Asperger's Syndrom to a relatively high degree, which makes her a very interesting person - highly disfunctional and highly intelligent, with a rather interesting history, which becomes clearer in the second book. I am looking forward to the third.
As one reviewer wrote, it's a shame that he died. His books are very entertaining. - The Millenium trilogy is one of the best thrillers I have read, full with brillant ideas and interesting characters. The first hunderd pages are a little bit difficult, but one the story really begins, it's hard to close the book and go to bed... Volume 2 and 3 of the trilogy are still better, as you learn to know more and more about the characters. Highly recommended.