Download PHR Study Guide 20192020 PHR Certification Preparation and Practice Test Prep Questions for the Professional in Human Resources Exam Trivium HR Exam Prep Team 9781635303056 Books

You're probably thinking this is just another typical study guide. Because we know your time is limited, we've created a resource that isn't like most study guides. With Trivium Test Prep’s unofficial PHR Study Guide 2019-2020 PHR Certification Preparation and Practice Test Prep Questions for the Professional in Human Resources Exam you'll benefit from a quick-but-comprehensive review of everything tested on the exam via real-life examples, graphics, and information. Our materials give you that extra edge you need to pass the first time.
HRCI was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Trivium Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product.
Trivium Test Prep’s PHR Study Guide 2019-2020 offers
- A detailed overview of what you need to know for the PHR exam
- Coverage of all the subjects over which you will be tested
- Practice questions for you to practice and improve
- Test tips and strategies to help you score higher
Trivium Test Prep’s PHR Study Guide 2019-2020 covers
- Business Management and Strategy
- Workforce Planning and Employment
- Total Rewards Compensation and Benefits
- Training and Development
- Employee and Labor Relations
- Risk Management
…and includes a FULL practice test!
About Trivium Test Prep
Trivium Test Prep is an independent test prep study guide company that produces and prints all of our books right here in the USA. Our dedicated professionals know how people think and learn, and have created our test prep products based on what research has shown to be the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to prepare for the exam. Unlike other study guides that are stamped out in a generic fashion, our study materials are specifically tailored for your exact needs.
We offer a comprehensive set of guides guaranteed to raise your score for exams from every step of your education; from high school, to college or the military, to graduate school. Let our study guides guide you along the path to the professional career of your dreams!
Download PHR Study Guide 20192020 PHR Certification Preparation and Practice Test Prep Questions for the Professional in Human Resources Exam Trivium HR Exam Prep Team 9781635303056 Books
"This looks like a good study guide. The book offers a free "how to" video but before they send it they want you to post a review. So thats why im posting my review. I have not read this book and I feel as though method is why there are so many good reviews. I will update once i finish reviewing the material."
Product details

Tags : PHR Study Guide 2019-2020 PHR Certification Preparation and Practice Test Prep Questions for the Professional in Human Resources Exam [Trivium HR Exam Prep Team] on . You're probably thinking this is just another typical study guide. Because we know your time is limited,Trivium HR Exam Prep Team,PHR Study Guide 2019-2020 PHR Certification Preparation and Practice Test Prep Questions for the Professional in Human Resources Exam,Trivium Test Prep,1635303052,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Human Resources Personnel Management,Study Aids/Professional - General,phr study guide 2018 and 2019; phr study guide 2018; phr for dummies 2018; phr prep 2018; phr study guide; phr exam 2018; phr 2018; phr exam prep; phr flashcards 2018; phr exam,Study Aids / Study Guides,Study Aids / Tests
PHR Study Guide 20192020 PHR Certification Preparation and Practice Test Prep Questions for the Professional in Human Resources Exam Trivium HR Exam Prep Team 9781635303056 Books Reviews :
PHR Study Guide 20192020 PHR Certification Preparation and Practice Test Prep Questions for the Professional in Human Resources Exam Trivium HR Exam Prep Team 9781635303056 Books Reviews
- Easy to read for sure.
They mention that the book cannot cover everything, however, I clearly blame this very "study guide" for having failed the exam (by 2 questions max).
It does not mention relevant documents at all (Weingarten, Ledbetter) and it explains COBRA incorrectly, incompletely, and inconsistently.
If I buy a study guide, I should not have to second guess what is written in it (that's why I pay for correct and reliable information).
If it claims to be "comprehensive", I expect at least (!) that it mentions relevant acts so I could do more research in my own.
If it claims to be for the 2019/2020 exams, I expect it to be up-to-date.
Basically, it cost me those $30 plus an additional $350 to take the exam again.
I definitely do NOT recommend this study guide, at least not without well-written back-up literature.
Save your money. - This looks like a good study guide. The book offers a free "how to" video but before they send it they want you to post a review. So thats why im posting my review. I have not read this book and I feel as though method is why there are so many good reviews. I will update once i finish reviewing the material.
- Suggestion Along with the questions, put a reference to the chapter or page where it was discussed. It took the test several times and it would be helpful (quicker) to know where to go back to study the parts I missed or that I felt I needed to reread.
- I am loving this guide so far! It is very easy to follow, interesting to read, and it breaks the material down into manageable sections.
- This test prep guide is sufficient. I like the ease of reading and the Key Concepts provide specific definitions.
- The book is easy to read/easy to follow. I am cramming to pass the test to prepare for new job, and this book has been great for me. I love the practice test questions.
- I purchased my PHR Study Guide and received it about a week ago and so far so good. I’m really liking the way the material is laid out and helping me to prepare/review for my exam.
- I loved this study guide! It was straight to the point and I was able to grasp concepts easily.