Read Angelic Visitations and Supernatural Encounters A Diary of Living in the Supernatural of God Michael R Van Vlymen 9781495414237 Books

YOU can have a life of Angelic Visitations and Supernatural Encounters!
Read Angelic Visitations and Supernatural Encounters A Diary of Living in the Supernatural of God Michael R Van Vlymen 9781495414237 Books
"Encouragement, encouragement, encouragement. That's what I feel after reading Mr. Van Vlyman's book.
All his incredible experiences made me feel like I was right there with him and that this was truly possible for me. Sense reading both of Michael Van Vlymans books, How to See in the Spirit and Angelic Visitations and Supernatural Encounters, I am more aware of my own angels around me. I see flashes of light and they touch me. Yes, I feel them touch me. It usually comes in waves of energy on my head or body. They also hold my hands, rub my hands, bush through my hair and wake me at night to pray.
As I continue to walk in awareness I know these encounters will continue to grow. Big thanks to Mr. Van Vlyman for his willingness to write his experiences out for us to see. It has really helped to keep me pressing in and standing for all God has made available to us as His redeemed children. Bless you!"
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Tags : Angelic Visitations and Supernatural Encounters A Diary of Living in the Supernatural of God [Michael R. Van Vlymen] on . <div><b>YOU can have a life of Angelic Visitations and Supernatural Encounters!<b></b></b></div><div><b><b><br /></b></b></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div><b><b>This book is written to encourage everyone to pursue and expect the miraculous in their lives. The stories relayed in the book of visitations,Michael R. Van Vlymen,Angelic Visitations and Supernatural Encounters A Diary of Living in the Supernatural of God,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,149541423X,Christianity - Pentecostal Charismatic,Pentecostal Churches,RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal Charismatic,Religion,Religion - Church History
Angelic Visitations and Supernatural Encounters A Diary of Living in the Supernatural of God Michael R Van Vlymen 9781495414237 Books Reviews :
Angelic Visitations and Supernatural Encounters A Diary of Living in the Supernatural of God Michael R Van Vlymen 9781495414237 Books Reviews
- The title for my review is a quote from Van Vlymen that meant a lot to me. It's true and profound. I really enjoyed this book. The author seeks to develop a relationship with the reader and it shows. The writing is transparent and accessible. He is honest and sincere which makes him credible. The teaching comes through his experiences which I appreciate.
I love the courage that the author makes apparent by showing restraint. What I mean is that he doesn't make an effort to justify or rationalize his experiences. It's just, here it is. Take it or leave it. That's courageous. The testimonies are inspiring and for someone like me who is just at a place where all I want is for my life to look like God's life it reveals that there is so much more to His life than I've known. Great job. Certainly a great read. - It's been one of the most compelling and straight to the point books abording this subject I've read for a long time. I simply could not stop reading it and absorbing the teachings Mike has so clearly explained in it. I felt I had a caring father who would go the extra mile to explain each step along the way, so I could benefit from his experience.
If you are as hungry for having your eyes opened as I am, I encourage you to start with this book. It will open up your eyes for simple things from the spiritual world that are around us all along and we've never thought of them before.
I would love to attend a conference where Mike is the speaker, so I could personally thank him for sharing his God given talent to relay the truths he presents in this book.
Thanks Mike for your faithfulness. - Angelic Visitations is author Michael van Vlymen`s wonderful and amazing experiences with Angels in the spirit realm and his trips into the spirit world and his supernatural encounters with Angels who manifest themselves in his life and in his home. Michael Van Vlymen says his house is a habitation for angels (which is better than a habitation for demons or a haunting) and in the early days of his hunger for spiritual things he learned that through focus and desire you can enter into the spirit realm and that you can fly in the spirit realm and that he loves to fly ! He also says that he saw an angel that looked like actor Mel Gibson and an angel that looked like actor Gary Busey. Very fascinating and exciting book to read. There is also a story about a man who had lived a very wicked life for most of his life chasing after lusts of the flesh and worldly pursuits openly and without shame or remorse, but toward the end of his life he began to act differently and he made it to heaven, because some how God brought this man to repentance. Michael van Vlymen learned that God is more merciful than we can imagine and that virtually anyone can be saved !
- Encouragement, encouragement, encouragement. That's what I feel after reading Mr. Van Vlyman's book.
All his incredible experiences made me feel like I was right there with him and that this was truly possible for me. Sense reading both of Michael Van Vlymans books, How to See in the Spirit and Angelic Visitations and Supernatural Encounters, I am more aware of my own angels around me. I see flashes of light and they touch me. Yes, I feel them touch me. It usually comes in waves of energy on my head or body. They also hold my hands, rub my hands, bush through my hair and wake me at night to pray.
As I continue to walk in awareness I know these encounters will continue to grow. Big thanks to Mr. Van Vlyman for his willingness to write his experiences out for us to see. It has really helped to keep me pressing in and standing for all God has made available to us as His redeemed children. Bless you! - Wow, wow and wow!!! I've been looking for a book like this for a while. Some of the things I love about it are the realness, the portrayal of good and bad and the many varying degrees of experiences with God that Michael shares. I have never read one of Michael's books before but I will definitely be on the look out now! I loved how he shared both powerful life-changing visitations, mixed in with testimonies of simply waking up to an open eye vision of a shield next to his bed that then disappears but God reveals to Him the significance of that few second experience and it was impactful enough for him to share.
Was also great to hear about the process, out of body experiences and some of the wisdom shared on how these things happen. Truly a great book for anyone who wants practical testimonies and insight on how to have greater experiences with God! - I received this as a free book and was excited but skeptical. I read the book straight through and just couldn't put it down. I have longed for a closer walk with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and this book points to a way to achieve it. I really enjoyed how Mr Van Vlymen explained in detail his and his families experiences of walking in the spirit world. He has also provided many resources to get you started on that path. The book gives you a thirst to continue searching.
- A sequel of his first book "How To See In the Spirit" ; Michael Van Vlymen recounts his supernaturql encounters with angels, the Kingdom of God and even the kingdom of darkness. He encourages the Spirit reader to pursue the Lord as he has. He stresses that he is not anyone special and that anyone who earnestly seeks the Lord will find Him. Michael shares not only his good experiences but also his embarrassing ones so we the reader wouldn't have to experience the same mistakes he had in the beginning of his spiritual journey. He gives examples on how to engage God's angels and activate them in your life. An amazing, anointed book!