Download PDF Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Florence Scovel Shinn 8601300365329 Books

Here in one volume are the four collected works of one of America's most beloved and best-selling inspirational authors.
In her classic best-seller The Game of Life, Florence Scovel Shinn reveals the timeless message that has helped thousands to solve their problems. You can create anything you want simply by aligning your thoughts and words with the perfect good that resides divinely within you. Combined with the powerful affirmation found in Your Word Is Your Wand and the stirring examples of real-life successes in the other two volumes, The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn provides a complete guide for learning how to turn defeat into victory, lack into prosperity, fear into faith, and resentment into love.
Download PDF Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Florence Scovel Shinn 8601300365329 Books
"Each insightful little book emphasizes life experiences in the bright light of God's assistance in day-to-day situations. I ordered this copy because I had literally worn out my first copy. It helped me get through extremely difficult experiences, including divorce and death of members of my family. I used her positive advice to seek and accept the new life I felt God intended for me.
When my first marriage broke up, I felt strongly that I had more love to give but needed guidance to seek a new relationship in a positive light. One day, I came across this message from her (paraphrased): When you want a new set of dishes, don't accept a broken plate. This message resonated with me. My first marriage was irreparably broken, and I knew I would be guided to a complete, unbroken relationship (set of dishes). Soon, I met a wonderful man, we married and had many happy years together.
Ms. Shinn. has uplifting messages I have never seen anywhere else. The books were written a long time ago but they have not lost any of their relevance in today's world."
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Tags : Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn [Florence Scovel Shinn] on . Here in one volume are the four collected works of one of America's most beloved and best-selling inspirational authors. <P> In her classic best-seller <I>The Game of Life,Florence Scovel Shinn,Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn,Touchstone,B0064XBZUG,N11B0064XBZUG,General,Body, Mind Spirit / Healing / General,Conduct of life,Healing - General,Mind, Body Spirit General,Mind, Body, Spirit thought practice,New Age (Self Help),New Age / Body, Mind Spirit,Psychology,Psychology / General,Spiritual life,Success,Human behavior,Self-Help
Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Florence Scovel Shinn 8601300365329 Books Reviews :
Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn Florence Scovel Shinn 8601300365329 Books Reviews
- Each insightful little book emphasizes life experiences in the bright light of God's assistance in day-to-day situations. I ordered this copy because I had literally worn out my first copy. It helped me get through extremely difficult experiences, including divorce and death of members of my family. I used her positive advice to seek and accept the new life I felt God intended for me.
When my first marriage broke up, I felt strongly that I had more love to give but needed guidance to seek a new relationship in a positive light. One day, I came across this message from her (paraphrased) When you want a new set of dishes, don't accept a broken plate. This message resonated with me. My first marriage was irreparably broken, and I knew I would be guided to a complete, unbroken relationship (set of dishes). Soon, I met a wonderful man, we married and had many happy years together.
Ms. Shinn. has uplifting messages I have never seen anywhere else. The books were written a long time ago but they have not lost any of their relevance in today's world. - I feel like one volume of any of the four included in this compilation would be enough as they all seem to more or less repeat the same sentiment. Be forewarned, if "Jesus" and "God" talk are a turnoff, this book isn't for you. If that's your jam, then you will love it. Or if you can look past that and welcome the words "Jesus" and "God" to represent whatever the universal spirit means to you, or ignore the spiritual aspect completely and just focus on the transformative powers of positive thoughts, then you can get something out of it. Science teaches us that repetitive thoughts create habitual pathways in the brain, so replacing negative habitual thoughts with positive thoughts or affirmations can literally change your brain in a positive way.
- OK, never done this but here goes! When this book was given to me 4 years ago by a woman, I was so depressed I was barely able to get out of bed in the mornings. I was broke, friendless nor could I maintain good friendships, could not find a good job nor hold one down... everything I touched withered. I read the book skeptically, being that, while I believe in god or a higher power, I am not into Jesus (don't want to offend anyone). OK, at first I said an affirmation/prayer in a joking "yeah right why not" way but it worked. Tried another and it worked. I realized in surprise something was working so started doing it more. My thinking began to change. Fast forward a few months I got and held a good job with WONDERFUL people. Made friends. In 2 years got promoted and a big raise, in 6 months another promotion and raise. Then I started realizing some lifelong dreams. I had felt helpless but here I suddenly got my drivers license, bought a house, bought a car, all for the first time in my life. I got lots of cool furniture for the house as a gift from a neighbor, people have helped me in SO many ways and I've now given away 4 copies of this book to other people. It works. Period, end of story.
I still often refer to this book. It always gets me back on track if I slip. It literally helps you out of any jam in life. Any situation, and any problem. Just pick up the book and read a page. It gives you the right way to think. It is a beautiful book, the only one I always turn to, it's always out on my coffee table, near at hand. And I gave away even more copies over the years. I can truly say that after reading this book, which at first I had no interest in and thought it was BS, I can tell you my life never was the same again and my friends and family know about all the "magic" wishes and things that often happen to me. When something goes wrong, I do as Florence would advise, I think of her and say phrases from her book, and all is swiftly made right again! Love it!
The magic continues in my life. In 2015 at age 40 I married my wonderful boyfriend of 3 years. We bought a wonderful home at an amazing price from wonderful people. The house was everything we wanted but thought we couldn't afford. We easily conceived, and at age 41 after a happy, healthy pregnancy I gave birth to our sweet baby girl. After a lifetime of sorrow, pain, and failure in love and life, I am happy, healthy and blessed. As Florence says "wonders shall follow wonders and miracles shall never cease."
Buy this book and just try to put in into practice. Just dip your toe into the waters. It may just turn your life around! - This book is about standing on the Word of God's and not speaking anything contrary to it!!! This book teaches you how to use the Word of God with Authority through your Words!!! It works!!! I was speeding and got pulled over for doing 73 in 55 mi/hr zone. I began to wave my wand by saying, "I repent for not obeying the laws of the land BUT, I also refuse a ticket!" Well, I received no ticket the officer actually was very kind to me and told me enjoy my day, just slow it down!!! I waved my wand/ WORD OF GOD!!!
- My mom got me into this book after raving about it for what seemed like months. It's full of inspirational narratives and quotes. But what really gets her going are the pages upon pages of affirmations that have made her unrelentingly positive.
If you're into the power of positive thinking or know someone having a hard time, check this book out.