Download Jeannie Brave Childhood Behavior and Healing through the Lens of Attachment and Trauma Janyne McConnaughey PhD 9781945099120 Books

The author interweaves her own dissociative-personality story and her expertise in child development with beloved literary characters to demonstrate how she worked to re-frame the unhealthy messages she internalized as a child. This healing process cleared a path to behavioral change, forgiveness, growing faith, and the rediscovery of simple joys. The unfolding relationship between the author and her child self, Jeannie, illustrates the dedication, trials, and triumphs inherent in developing an attachment relationship that is necessary for full healing.
Introduction /9
1. Jeannie and God Make a Plan /15
2. Jumping Down a Rabbit Hole /19
3. Gathering in the Kitchen /26
4. Table Conversations /35
5. After-Dinner Therapy /46
6. Campfire Reflections /52
7. Attachment and the 'Mother' /62
8. Trauma Needs a 'Mother' /70
9. When Survival Looks Like Resilience /80
10. The Life Every Child Deserves /91
11. A Tangle of Feelings and Emotions /103
12. Of Lies and Forgetting /114
13. The Pervasiveness of Shame /123
14. How Secrets Silence Children /133
15. Becoming My Own 'Mother' /139 PART III HOW MY CHILD SELVES HEALED /145
16. Healing and Cookies in the Kitchen /147
17. Healing through Live Storytelling /155
18. Healing through Literature /162
19. Healing through Play /173
20. Healing by Reframing /183
21. Healing to Forgive /193
22. Epilogue A BRAVE Tribute /207
Addendum I Synopsis of BRAVE /211
Addendum II Foreword to BRAVE /213
Addendum III ACE Study /215
Addendum IV Adoption/Foster Care /216
Addendum V The Story of the Boxes /219
Download Jeannie Brave Childhood Behavior and Healing through the Lens of Attachment and Trauma Janyne McConnaughey PhD 9781945099120 Books
"My deepest thanks to Janyne and her masterful storyteller! The magic of this second book is that it ties the familiar complexities of Alice (the girl in Wonderland) to the far less familiar complexities of the ways a child learns to cope during the layered traumas that lead to the disorder of dissociation. It’s a story of healing, but perhaps more importantly, a story of hope.
For those who wonder if healing is possible, for the guides & supporters who walk along side, for those who struggle to find a voice for themselves and their many parts, this story explains the fright & power of leaning into reconnection from a fanciful, yet truly grounded perspective.
Captivating, thrilling, and empowering. Can’t wait for the next one!
Kiersten Adkins, M.A., LPC, Executive Director of Pathway To Hope"
Product details

Tags : Jeannie's Brave Childhood Behavior and Healing through the Lens of Attachment and Trauma [Janyne McConnaughey PhD] on . The author interweaves her own dissociative-personality story and her expertise in child development with beloved literary characters to demonstrate how she worked to re-frame the unhealthy messages she internalized as a child. This healing process cleared a path to behavioral change,Janyne McConnaughey PhD,Jeannie's Brave Childhood Behavior and Healing through the Lens of Attachment and Trauma,Cladach Publishing,1945099127,Biographies Memoirs / Memoirs,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Psychology/Developmental - Child,emdr therapy; childhood trauma; trauma behavior; family relationships; integrated personality; child self
Jeannie Brave Childhood Behavior and Healing through the Lens of Attachment and Trauma Janyne McConnaughey PhD 9781945099120 Books Reviews :
Jeannie Brave Childhood Behavior and Healing through the Lens of Attachment and Trauma Janyne McConnaughey PhD 9781945099120 Books Reviews
- Jeannie's Brave Childhood, a companion book to BRAVE, will take the reader on a journey of trauma and healing as experienced by young Jeannie at various ages. The whimsical setting of a tea party beginning in the kitchen with the writer surrounded by children coming and going, often joined by the Alice in Wonderful dragging her chair here, there and everywhere, allows the author to cover very difficult subjects dealing with attachment issues and sexual trauma and offer practical hope for healing in a very endearing and unforgettable way. You will not want to put Jeannie’s Brave Childhood down once you open its pages. Not only does Janyne share her personal story from a raw and vulnerable perspective of her childhood selves in a fascinating way, she sites numerous professional writings, references and studies and puts forth incredible insight in her work on relating to children who have suffered trauma as well as expounding on methods, various therapies and organizations committed to helping children heal and live life to the fullest. Jeannie’s Brave Childhood is a must read for those who work with children or are connected to children. Additionally, special insight is given for those who have chosen to love and care for children in the foster system, or for those who have adopted children and understand that it takes more than love to help these beautiful children thrive. Buy the book, prepare a pot of tea, pull up a favorite chair and join Alice in Wonderland as you journey into Jeannie’s Brave Childhood.
- This is someone’s story, and there is much value in it. I was challenged in some areas and learned a few things. Also, it was hard to put down! I’m so glad this author found healing and is brave enough to share her story. You won’t regret getting this book.
- My deepest thanks to Janyne and her masterful storyteller! The magic of this second book is that it ties the familiar complexities of Alice (the girl in Wonderland) to the far less familiar complexities of the ways a child learns to cope during the layered traumas that lead to the disorder of dissociation. It’s a story of healing, but perhaps more importantly, a story of hope.
For those who wonder if healing is possible, for the guides & supporters who walk along side, for those who struggle to find a voice for themselves and their many parts, this story explains the fright & power of leaning into reconnection from a fanciful, yet truly grounded perspective.
Captivating, thrilling, and empowering. Can’t wait for the next one!
Kiersten Adkins, M.A., LPC, Executive Director of Pathway To Hope - This is a bold and cleverly crafted story woven through the whimsy of the tale of Alice in Wonderland. The writer lived in no wonderland of her own, but one survived in the barren and broken landscape of mother neglect and subsequent sexual abuse throughout her childhood. While this book is vital for all who work with children of trauma, mothers who have never been mothered, will find compassionate insight into their pain-filled pasts and awake to the possibility of personal healing; and subsequently the health of the children for whom they are now responsible.
Alice Scott-Ferguson, therapist, poet and author of Mothers Can't Be Everywhere But God Is, Reconcilable Differences and Pausing in The Passing Places