» Read Teaching Contemporary Singing The Proven Method for Becoming a Successful Confident Voice Teacher and Getting Vocal Breakthroughs for Your Students John Henny 9781090221261 Books
Bryan Richards on Sunday, 19 May 2019
Read Teaching Contemporary Singing The Proven Method for Becoming a Successful Confident Voice Teacher and Getting Vocal Breakthroughs for Your Students John Henny 9781090221261 Books

Product details - Paperback 120 pages
- Publisher Independently published (March 12, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1090221266

Teaching Contemporary Singing The Proven Method for Becoming a Successful Confident Voice Teacher and Getting Vocal Breakthroughs for Your Students John Henny 9781090221261 Books Reviews
- I highly recommend this book. There’s a wealth of useful information for both beginning and advanced teachers. Singers would also benefit from reading this for the technique information alone.
There are a lot of great techniques especially for new teachers and tools to get you on track so you don’t feel overwhelmed with the teaching process. I also really like the conversational way it was written, it’s like John Henny is guiding you through his personal approach to teaching. An awesome resource! - Great teachers stand on the shoulders of those who came before them. In his new book, John Henny presents a comprehensive, yet manageable, guide to teaching contemporary singing. Voice teachers just starting out will stand on the shoulders of Henny’s vast experience and vocal science knowledge while established teachers will genuinely appreciate the level of mastery and ease of which he discusses all things vocal! A great addition to any singing teacher’s library.
- I've been following John's materials for quite some time now, and I always learn something new. This book is a great introductory resource for anyone who wants to learn about the basic mechaisms of the singing voice, and why your voice teacher asks you to sing particular syllables and not others. If the voice intrigues you but all the info online is just too confusing (and it is), John's book is a great l, reliable, positive place to start.
- I recently discovered John Henny’s through his podcast The Intelligent Vocalist and I was immediately hooked! I appreciate his ability to cover a lot of complicated material in a way that is clear and accessible as well as practical. I would recommend this book regardless of your level of experience and knowledge of the voice and voice teaching!
- As a former vocalist turned teacher, John Henny has always provided the guidance and knowledge I needed to know to be able to not only make me a better singer but now a successful teacher. He teaches technique, artistry and now business strategy, with an incredible likeability, intelligence and humility that cannot be denied. He’s just the best. A must-read for anyone in the industry!
- John is a great teacher. He is extremely knowledgeable about the science of singing and can explain it in a way that is easy to understand. He is also fun and humble, which makes the reading quite enjoyable. I recommend this book to anyone that wants to know how the voice works.
- John is a great teacher and loves to be up to date with the current evidence on how the voice works.
Time very well spend!!!
Get this now! - Teaching Contemporary Singing is written in concise and simple language. It provides a clear guide for those who wish to begin teaching voice. It is well organized and even the dreaded chapters about technique are understandable for a neophyte teacher. However, this book also contains information of value to classically trained experienced voice teachers. The chapters on vocal analytical tools, time management, and lesson flow are of particular value. In conclusion, Teaching Contemporary Singing is a excellent resource for all voice teachers.