Read What No One Tells You A Guide to Your Emotions from Pregnancy to Motherhood Dr Alexandra Sacks Dr Catherine Birndorf 9781501112560 Books

By Bryan Richards on Friday, 31 May 2019

Read What No One Tells You A Guide to Your Emotions from Pregnancy to Motherhood Dr Alexandra Sacks Dr Catherine Birndorf 9781501112560 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 400 pages
  • Publisher Simon & Schuster (April 23, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1501112562

What No One Tells You A Guide to Your Emotions from Pregnancy to Motherhood Dr Alexandra Sacks Dr Catherine Birndorf 9781501112560 Books Reviews

  • I ordered this after hearing about it on the Today show. I had my first child November 2018 and have been struggling with PPD ever since. I wish I would’ve read this book BEFORE or DURING my pregnancy rather than 5 months after because 3/4 of the book goes over the first 3 trimesters of pregnancy and the emotions you experience. The only relevant part for me now was the last chapter or two, but it was still very well worded and very honest about the dark side of motherhood that no one openly speaks of. I highly recommend this book to any pregnant woman or women planning on becoming pregnant. It’ll be good to have around after the baby is born to resort back to also.
  • Oh, how I wish this book existed when our child was born three years ago. Real, funny, raw and inclusive - "What No One Tells You" should be on the wish list + registry from every expectant parent. Why? Because from doctors to nurses to lactation consultants to family, friends and well-meaning acquaintances, so much of the complicated, beautiful journey to parenthood focuses on the body. Not nearly enough time is focused on the brain. This insightful and practical book provides invaluable insight into the mental health of pre-parenthood, labor & delivery and early parenthood, shedding light on common topics often left in the dark.

    What is particularly important about "What No One Tells You" is that it covers so much more than "postpartum depression" and "baby blues," perhaps the two most-identifiable mental health challenges new parents face. By discussing not only the social pressures and stigmas but also the very real chemical shifts of hormones throughout the perinatal period, this book normalizes the whole gamut of the emotional experience.

    Thank you, Doctors Birndorf and Sacks, for creating something invaluable to every family.
  • I am currently expecting my first baby and this book has brought me enormous relief. Most pregnancy books focus on the physical changes that are happening, while glossing over the constant thoughts, fears, questions, and realignment happening in your mind. This book puts so many of those topics to print, and just knowing that someone else has felt the same and that better yet, it’s normal to feel that way, brought me peace of mind and a way to acknowledge and move on from some of my fears. The book also has a lot of practical advice, from considering how your pregnancy impacts your parents and siblings, to what you can expect immediately postpartum, and how to approach about your “birth plan” in a healthy and realistic manner. This book covers topics that can truly impact your experience with pregnancy and birth but there is rarely time to discuss in your prenatal appointments. I am very happy I found this book and would recommend to anyone navigating pregnancy and motherhood.
  • Was very excited to read this book and so disappointed to see the sleep training section and no mention of what biologically normal infant sleep looks like. So much research has gone into this area lately and I felt that this book would be more up to date but sadly it is very old fashioned in recommending sleep training and even the proven detrimental CIO method. Purchased multiple copies to give as gifts which I will now be returning.
  • Thank you, thank you for this book!!! It is what every mama to be and every mama who is "in it" has been wanting but maybe didn't even know that they wanted. It is honest, real, sincere writing that is so welcome when you need some support. It is the perfect gift to give yourself or your loved ones. Do not hesitate, buy it!
  • Your guide to the emotions of pregnancy and early motherhood, from two of America’s top reproductive psychiatrists.

    When you are pregnant, you get plenty of advice about your growing body and developing baby. Yet so much about motherhood happens in your head. What every pregnant woman really wants to know is this normal? Is it normal for my sex drive to disappear or to go into overdrive? Is it normal to have nesting urges or an overloaded “mommy brain”? Is it normal for my parents to be acting out? Is it normal not to feel love at first sight for my baby? Is it normal to argue with my partner? For Dr. Sacks and Dr. Birndorf, the answer is yes.

    I found this book to be a big help, I feel like it explained how every pregnancy and emotions from that pregnancy is different. It goes through all the things that most pregnancy books don't focus on and helps take the anxiety of it away. This is a great book for expectant mothers and moms that have had multiple pregnancies.

    Thank you #NetGalley for the ARC of What No One Tells You by Alexandra Sacks; Catherine Birndorf
    Pub Date 23 Apr 2019
More aboutRead What No One Tells You A Guide to Your Emotions from Pregnancy to Motherhood Dr Alexandra Sacks Dr Catherine Birndorf 9781501112560 Books

PDF 99 Stories of the Game Wayne Gretzky Kirstie McLellan Day 9780399575471 Books

By Bryan Richards

PDF 99 Stories of the Game Wayne Gretzky Kirstie McLellan Day 9780399575471 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 416 pages
  • Publisher G.P. Putnam's Sons; Complete Numbers Starting with 1, 1st Ed edition (October 18, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0399575472

99 Stories of the Game Wayne Gretzky Kirstie McLellan Day 9780399575471 Books Reviews

  • Even the casual hockey fan knows the name and the legend of Wayne Gretzky and it's hard to separate the person from his reputation as The Great One. This is a wonderful book because it celebrates Gretzky's love and reverence for the game by examining the 99 year history of the NHL through the eyes of its greatest player. The stories of the players that made hockey such a wonderful sport through the early years are interspersed with Gretzky's stories of how those players impacted his development as a person and as a player. As such, this book is not only a terrific work of sports history, but also a fabulous autobiography that yields compelling insights into Gretzky himself. Much like Gordie Howe's autobiography, Mr. Hockey, I was left with an overwhelming sense of just how down to earth some sports superstars can be. Rather than extolling their own virtues, these players constantly talk about Gratitude. It's all about how grateful they are to their parents, coaches, teammates and their fans. If you are sick and tired of the typical ego-maniacal professional athlete, read this book for a breath of fresh air.
  • I'm a Sports Hypnotherapist who works with hockey players on the mental game of hockey. I bought this the day it came out because I'm writing a book on the mental game of hockey that I can give to my clients and thought this was great timing to read this hockey book. There are 95 hockey stories in this book. 90 of them are GREAT and so vivid that you can smell the ice. 2 of the stories are ok and 3 of them suck. But thats ok because when you do the math on the price per story its still a great deal. I love how Wayne tells about his passion of hockey, discusses Gordie Howe playing different teams and games and more.

    If you are looking for tips. This isnt really the book for that but he does discuss how it comes down to Aggressiveness, passion and hard work of course.
    Hockey fans and players will love this awesome hockey book by Wayne Gretzky, " The Great One"
  • I absolutely loved this book - it starts with some amazing stories from the old history of hockey, most very interesting and heartwarming - it appears to me that Wayne Gretzky found a way to mention every single great old star of the game along with many current stars too. The book later goes on Into some of the stories from Gretzky's career too. All told, an absolutely great book!
  • Without doing proper reading about what the book was about before buying it I expected all of the stories to be about Gretzky's career. This book is about the history of hockey and all of its great players.
  • The book chronicles the development of hockey in North America with many personal anecdotes of individual players. It provides a rough framework of the development of the NHL. That said, Wayne is a far better hockey player than he is a writer.
  • I loved this book! We listen to it on CD in the car; so inspiring. We are new to hockey, but our family loves it! Gretzky is a class act. I make my son listen with me, and I'm so thankful for Gretzky's influence on him. We re-did his bedroom in a hockey theme with Greztky quotes I pulled from this book. Thank you #99👍
  • I was surprised that this book ended up in many ways as a historical reference point for the sport of hockey. Pleasantly surprised. The book does cover the career of "99" but does not shy away from the long and deep history of the great sport which is hockey. Well worth your time.
  • I don't know much about the game and have a hard time following when I watch, but this book is a page-turner. The stories are so entertaining and I appreciate learning a bit about the game's history in between the stories. The book reads so easily and makes Gretzky comes across as a nice, down-to-earth, sensible, and humble man.
More aboutPDF 99 Stories of the Game Wayne Gretzky Kirstie McLellan Day 9780399575471 Books

Read Online Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci

By Bryan Richards

Read Online Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci

Product details

  • File Size 4010 KB
  • Print Length 146 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date January 15, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

More aboutRead Online Anfitrione Traduzione di Alessandro Natucci Introduzione di Fabia Zanasi Italian Edition eBook Tito Maccio Plauto Fabia Zanasi Alessandro Natucci

Download PDF Il gioco dell'esistenza Decoincidenza e libertà Italian Edition edition by François Jullien Massimiliano Guareschi Politics Social Sciences eBooks

By Bryan Richards

Download PDF Il gioco dell'esistenza Decoincidenza e libertà Italian Edition edition by François Jullien Massimiliano Guareschi Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Download As PDF : Il gioco dell'esistenza Decoincidenza e libertà Italian Edition edition by François Jullien Massimiliano Guareschi Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Download PDF Il gioco dell&#39esistenza Decoincidenza e libertà Italian Edition  edition by François Jullien Massimiliano Guareschi Politics Social Sciences eBooks

“Nel paradiso terrestre, Adamo ed Eva ‘coincidevano’ vivevano ‘felici’ (ma lo sapevano?) ma non esistevano. Vivevano in maniera adeguata (in accordo con l’ordine della Creazione) e non ne dubitavano. Neanche immaginavano di poterne dubitare. In questo mondo improntato al perfetto adattamento, senza nemmeno un abbozzo di disgiunzione o dissidenza, Adamo ed Eva non potevano immaginare un Fuori a cui aggrapparsi per tenersi fuori, e-sistere, avventurarsi. Mangiando la mela, però, hanno introdotto la fecondità di un’incrinatura in quell’ordine stabilito, hanno aperto uno scarto che li estraeva da quel mondo e dalla sua saturazione-soddisfazione.”

Il concetto di de-coincidenza, di scarto, descrive l’ontologia dell’esistenza, che non risponde alla legge della necessità né a quella del caso, ma procede secondo un caos ordinato che sfugge alla rigidità di qualsiasi sistema di regole. È un processo di apertura che libera risorse inimmaginabili, disfacendo dall’interno ogni ordine illusoriamente prestabilito. E per questo è “un concetto in grado di esprimere la vocazione non solo dell’arte ma anche – in primo luogo – dell’esistenza. Se de-coincidersi implica l’uscita dall’adeguamento a un ‘sé’, dal proprio adattamento a un mondo, allora significa propriamente esistere”.

In un’analisi aperta a tutti i campi del sapere, dall’arte alla religione, fino alle scienze naturali, Jullien va alla ricerca dei casi esemplari della de-coincidenza nell’esperienza umana. Così formula una lettura originale della figura del Figlio della Trinità divina e dell’incipit del Vangelo di Giovanni, dialoga con la teoria evoluzionistica di Darwin e dà una nuova interpretazione della pittura di Picasso.

Download PDF Il gioco dell'esistenza Decoincidenza e libertà Italian Edition edition by François Jullien Massimiliano Guareschi Politics Social Sciences eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 771 KB
  • Print Length 85 pages
  • Publisher Feltrinelli Editore (March 7, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 7, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read Il gioco dell&#39esistenza Decoincidenza e libertà Italian Edition  edition by François Jullien Massimiliano Guareschi Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Tags : Il gioco dell'esistenza De-coincidenza e libertà (Italian Edition) - edition by François Jullien, Massimiliano Guareschi. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Il gioco dell'esistenza De-coincidenza e libertà (Italian Edition).,ebook,François Jullien, Massimiliano Guareschi,Il gioco dell'esistenza De-coincidenza e libertà (Italian Edition),Feltrinelli Editore

Il gioco dell'esistenza Decoincidenza e libertà Italian Edition edition by François Jullien Massimiliano Guareschi Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews :

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Download La grande bellezza dell'italiano Il Rinascimento Italian Edition eBook Giuseppe Patota

By Bryan Richards on Thursday, 30 May 2019

Download La grande bellezza dell'italiano Il Rinascimento Italian Edition eBook Giuseppe Patota

Product details

  • File Size 32311 KB
  • Publisher Editori Laterza (January 24, 2019)
  • Publication Date January 24, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

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Download Piatti Plates and platters for sharing inspired by Italy edition by Stacy Adimando Linda Pugliese Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks

By Bryan Richards

Download Piatti Plates and platters for sharing inspired by Italy edition by Stacy Adimando Linda Pugliese Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks

Download As PDF : Piatti Plates and platters for sharing inspired by Italy edition by Stacy Adimando Linda Pugliese Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks

Download PDF Piatti Plates and platters for sharing inspired by Italy  edition by Stacy Adimando Linda Pugliese Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks

Editor-in-Chief of SAVEUR Stacy Adimando combines her Italian heritage and tradition of serving abundant spreads to create 75 recipes for generous plates and platters meant for grazing. Organized by season and ranging in size from starting bites, such as Grilled Bacon-Wrapped Leeks with Honey Glaze and Shaved Fennel Salad with Sweet Peas and Avocado, to main courses, such as Crispy Pork Ribs with Herb Sauce and Seared Shrimp with Braised Savoy Cabbage, these are generous dishes to serve to family and friends for gatherings large and small. Filled with advice on how to plate and pair dishes for a range of occasions, this visually stunning book, with distinctive binding featuring a partially exposed spine, imparts what many cooks of Italy seem born knowing the secrets to pulling off an impressive feast, without formality or fussiness, but with love, ease, and elegance.

Download Piatti Plates and platters for sharing inspired by Italy edition by Stacy Adimando Linda Pugliese Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 85215 KB
  • Print Length 224 pages
  • Publisher Chronicle Books LLC (May 7, 2019)
  • Publication Date May 7, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Piatti Plates and platters for sharing inspired by Italy  edition by Stacy Adimando Linda Pugliese Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks

Tags : Piatti Plates and platters for sharing, inspired by Italy - edition by Stacy Adimando, Linda Pugliese. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Piatti Plates and platters for sharing, inspired by Italy.,ebook,Stacy Adimando, Linda Pugliese,Piatti Plates and platters for sharing, inspired by Italy,Chronicle Books LLC,COOKING / Courses Dishes / Appetizers,COOKING / Regional Ethnic / Italian,Cookbooks,Cookbooks.,Cooking,Cooking, Italian,Cooking, Italian.,Cooking/Courses Dishes - Appetizers,GENERAL,General Adult,ITALIAN COOKERY,Italian cooking; home cooking; antipasti; platters; boards; plate; party foods; Saveur; serving; Italian food; plating; graze; entertaining; hostess gift; cookbook; Italian cookbook; James Beard; Nopalita; Italy; gathering; appetizers; meals; large meals; small meals; small plates; large plates; Stacey Adminado; Stacey Adimando; Adimado; inspirational meals; inspiring; photographic cookbooks; food book; food photos,Italian cooking; home cooking; antipasti; platters; boards; plate; party foods; Saveur; serving; Italian food; plating; graze; entertaining; hostess gift; cookbook; Italian cookbook; James Beard; Nopalita; Italy; gathering; appetizers; meals; large meals; small meals; small plates; large plates; Stacey Adminado; Stacey Adimando; Adimado; inspirational meals; inspiring; photographic cookbooks; food book; food photos,Italy,Non-Fiction,Seasonal cooking,Seasonal cooking.,United States,COOKING / Courses Dishes / Appetizers,COOKING / Regional Ethnic / Italian,Cooking/Courses Dishes - Appetizers

Piatti Plates and platters for sharing inspired by Italy edition by Stacy Adimando Linda Pugliese Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks Reviews :

More aboutDownload Piatti Plates and platters for sharing inspired by Italy edition by Stacy Adimando Linda Pugliese Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks

Read Online Network Programmability and Automation Volume 1 Networking Technology 9781587145148 Computer Science Books

By Bryan Richards

Read Online Network Programmability and Automation Volume 1 Networking Technology 9781587145148 Computer Science Books

Product details

  • Series Networking Technology
  • Paperback 800 pages
  • Publisher Cisco Press; 1 edition (November 18, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1587145146

More aboutRead Online Network Programmability and Automation Volume 1 Networking Technology 9781587145148 Computer Science Books

Read Online Effective Communication Discover the Secrets and Proven Techniques to Improve Your Persuasion and Communication Skills at Work in Relationships and in Marriage Self Discovery Book 7 Audible Audio Edition Self Discovery Academy Zachary Zaba Books

By Bryan Richards

Read Online Effective Communication Discover the Secrets and Proven Techniques to Improve Your Persuasion and Communication Skills at Work in Relationships and in Marriage Self Discovery Book 7 Audible Audio Edition Self Discovery Academy Zachary Zaba Books

Download As PDF : Effective Communication Discover the Secrets and Proven Techniques to Improve Your Persuasion and Communication Skills at Work in Relationships and in Marriage Self Discovery Book 7 Audible Audio Edition Self Discovery Academy Zachary Zaba Books

Download PDF Effective Communication Discover the Secrets and Proven Techniques to Improve Your Persuasion and Communication Skills at Work in Relationships and in Marriage Self Discovery Book 7 Audible Audio Edition Self Discovery Academy Zachary Zaba Books

Would you like to improve your communication skills? Do you want to create more self-confidence and live your best life? Then this audiobook is for you!

Thanks to the incredible strategies presented in this audiobook, you will learn the best and most powerful communication strategies to transform your life for the better. 

You see, most people go through their day having a miserable life since they cannot express themselves properly. But you are different. The fact that you are looking for practical solutions to your communication problems means you are on the right path to success, and this audiobook will make sure you get real results very fast. 

Thousands of people have achieved their goals by mastering the must-hear effective communication techniques presented in the audiobook, which go into the little details that can make or break your ability to make positive changes while providing actionable steps. 

Every chapter goes into actionable strategies that will allow you to build great communication skills in just a few days. 

What are you waiting for? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the "Buy Now" button to begin the journey to better communication!

Read Online Effective Communication Discover the Secrets and Proven Techniques to Improve Your Persuasion and Communication Skills at Work in Relationships and in Marriage Self Discovery Book 7 Audible Audio Edition Self Discovery Academy Zachary Zaba Books


Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 3 hours
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Self Discovery Academy
  • Release Date February 12, 2019
  • Language English, English

Read Effective Communication Discover the Secrets and Proven Techniques to Improve Your Persuasion and Communication Skills at Work in Relationships and in Marriage Self Discovery Book 7 Audible Audio Edition Self Discovery Academy Zachary Zaba Books

Tags : Effective Communication Discover the Secrets and Proven Techniques to Improve Your Persuasion and Communication Skills at Work, in Relationships and in Marriage (Self Discovery, Book 7) (Audible Audio Edition) Self Discovery Academy, Zachary Zaba Books, ,Self Discovery Academy, Zachary Zaba,Effective Communication Discover the Secrets and Proven Techniques to Improve Your Persuasion and Communication Skills at Work, in Relationships and in Marriage (Self Discovery, Book 7),Self Discovery Academy,B07NLJV4RL

Effective Communication Discover the Secrets and Proven Techniques to Improve Your Persuasion and Communication Skills at Work in Relationships and in Marriage Self Discovery Book 7 Audible Audio Edition Self Discovery Academy Zachary Zaba Books Reviews :

More aboutRead Online Effective Communication Discover the Secrets and Proven Techniques to Improve Your Persuasion and Communication Skills at Work in Relationships and in Marriage Self Discovery Book 7 Audible Audio Edition Self Discovery Academy Zachary Zaba Books

Read Online Daddy Curse A Sex Trafficking True Story of a 8Year Old Girl Luke G Dahl 9789163986369 Books

By Bryan Richards

Read Online Daddy Curse A Sex Trafficking True Story of a 8Year Old Girl Luke G Dahl 9789163986369 Books

Product details

  • Series A Sex Trafficking True Story of a 8-Year Old Girl (Book 1)
  • Paperback 131 pages
  • Publisher Cedenheim Publishing (December 12, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9163986361

Daddy Curse A Sex Trafficking True Story of a 8Year Old Girl Luke G Dahl 9789163986369 Books Reviews

  • This book chilled me to the bone. I want to put a bubble around my granddaughter! I knew this was a serious problem but to actually get the story from a real victim was eye opening. This will break your heart but she deserves to have her story told. I don’t want to spoil the ending but it will bring tears to your eyes. I recommend highly. This is a growing epidemic and needs all resources to catch these people. In my opinion, they don’t deserve to breathe another breath.
  • I started reading, in hopes that I would be inspired in some way, by a girl who overcame trauma, but I had to stop about a third of the way into the book. I am horrified by the graphic sex scenes in the book. This is pornography, plan and simple. Child pornography. I had to delete the book from my account for fear that one of my children would find it.
  • Although short, the story isn't unnecessarily graphic or cloying. A direct, simply told tale of horror that likely happens to thousands of girls just like these. I hope she finds peace, and I hope she finds help.
  • I could feel the pain portrayed in the words of this book and how these children suffered at the hands of those who should have been protecting them. It was almost unbearable for me to keep reading, I kept thinking about my own Grandchildren having to endure even a fraction of such pain and suffering would crack my very soul in pieces. These children are no less than true saints and this is a book that should be read by all and forgotten by no one.
  • Sad story of a young girl. I wish the author would have concluded the story of her life in present time. Regardless, this is a sad tale of minor who was savagely enslaved and rape. There was no justice for her. It scary to know this is going on all over the world. I wish the best for this girl.
  • I read this book quickly, I was overwhelmed with what this child suffered and angry at the many adults who used her over and over. I wish I could hear an update on how she is now. Nobody deserves the life she had. I cannot imagine that kind of hurt. I so badly want her to be safe now, and loved.
  • Curiosity about slave/sex trafficking. I wonder if many children who disappear in the USA are also sold by their parents. This book gave me a very explicit look at what these poor, unfortunate children suffer once they are in the hands of some of the most evil, demonic people in this increasingly evil world. They actually must begin their lives with the same type of people who only bring them into the world, or are so negligent they allow these monsters to get access to them who have these evil intentions. Did I enjoy this book? I wouldn't use those words to describe the feelings I felt as I read through this book. I felt intense emotional pain and heart breaking sadness knowing that thousands of children everywhere are forced to live in pain, torture and agony before they die. Satan and his angels are a powerful force in all these people, and I pray that the God of heaven will quickly bring this evil world to a halt. My heart bleeds for these totally innocent children. That is what this book caused me to experience. It truly showed me the truth about this horrific life experience. I have a strong belief that God will make all these monsters involved suffer much more than these unfortunate children do.
  • This story was difficult to read because of the subject matter. I see where another reviewer calls this book child pornography. Wikipedia defines “child pornography is pornography that exploits children for sexual stimulation.” Based on this definition, I do not see how this book is child pornography. I found it irritating to realize that the father’s of some girls sell their daughters into prostitution. This young woman’s story is heartbreaking because of all the pain-and-suffering that she went through. It is further heartbreaking to realize that the young lady had no one she could turn to for help. I wonder how many individuals in the situation can be saved especially where the local governments acquiesce to this practice. This e-book should be read by everyone so that this practice can be stopped.
More aboutRead Online Daddy Curse A Sex Trafficking True Story of a 8Year Old Girl Luke G Dahl 9789163986369 Books

Download Bianco letale Italian Edition edition by Robert Galbraith Loredana Serratore Valentina Daniele Laura Serra Barbara Ronca Literature Fiction eBooks

By Bryan Richards

Download Bianco letale Italian Edition edition by Robert Galbraith Loredana Serratore Valentina Daniele Laura Serra Barbara Ronca Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Bianco letale Italian Edition edition by Robert Galbraith Loredana Serratore Valentina Daniele Laura Serra Barbara Ronca Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Bianco letale Italian Edition  edition by Robert Galbraith Loredana Serratore Valentina Daniele Laura Serra Barbara Ronca Literature Fiction eBooks


Quando il giovane Billy, in preda a una grande agitazione, irrompe nella sua agenzia investigativa per denunciare un crimine a cui crede di aver assistito da piccolo, Cormoran Strike rimane profondamente turbato. Anche se Billy ha problemi mentali e fatica a ricordare i particolari concreti, in lui e nel suo racconto c’è qualcosa di sincero. Ma prima che Strike possa interrogarlo più a fondo, Billy si spaventa e fugge via. Cercando di scoprire la verità sulla storia di Billy, Strike e Robin Ellacott – una volta sua assistente, ora sua socia – seguono una pista tortuosa, che si dipana dai sobborghi di Londra alle stanze più recondite e segrete del Parlamento, fino a una suggestiva ma inquietante tenuta di campagna.
E se l’indagine si fa sempre più labirintica, la vita di Strike è tutt’altro che semplice la sua rinnovata fama di investigatore privato gli impedisce di agire nell’ombra come un tempo e il suo rapporto con Robin è più teso che mai. Lei è senza dubbio indispensabile nel lavoro dell’agenzia, ma la loro relazione personale è piena di sottintesi e non detti…
Finora il romanzo più epico di Robert Galbraith, Bianco letale è un nuovo capitolo dell’appassionante storia di Cormoran Strike e Robin Ellacott, ancora insieme in un thriller mozzafiato.    

Download Bianco letale Italian Edition edition by Robert Galbraith Loredana Serratore Valentina Daniele Laura Serra Barbara Ronca Literature Fiction eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 1947 KB
  • Publisher Salani Editore (February 4, 2019)
  • Publication Date February 4, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read Bianco letale Italian Edition  edition by Robert Galbraith Loredana Serratore Valentina Daniele Laura Serra Barbara Ronca Literature Fiction eBooks

Tags : Bianco letale (Italian Edition) - edition by Robert Galbraith, Loredana Serratore, Valentina Daniele, Laura Serra, Barbara Ronca. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Bianco letale (Italian Edition).,ebook,Robert Galbraith, Loredana Serratore, Valentina Daniele, Laura Serra, Barbara Ronca,Bianco letale (Italian Edition),Salani Editore

Bianco letale Italian Edition edition by Robert Galbraith Loredana Serratore Valentina Daniele Laura Serra Barbara Ronca Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :

More aboutDownload Bianco letale Italian Edition edition by Robert Galbraith Loredana Serratore Valentina Daniele Laura Serra Barbara Ronca Literature Fiction eBooks

Read Run the Storm A Savage Hurricane a Brave Crew and the Wreck of the SS El Faro George Michelsen Foy 9781501184901 Books

By Bryan Richards on Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Download An Impeccable Spy Richard Sorge Stalin Master Agent edition by Owen Matthews Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Download As PDF : An Impeccable Spy Richard Sorge Stalin Master Agent edition by Owen Matthews Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Download PDF An Impeccable Spy Richard Sorge Stalin Master Agent  edition by Owen Matthews Politics Social Sciences eBooks

'The most formidable spy in history' Ian Fleming

'A superb biography ... More than a hundred books have been written about him and this is undoubtedly the best' Ben Macintyre

Richard Sorge was a man with two homelands. Born of a German father and a Russian mother in Baku in 1895, he moved in a world of shifting alliances and infinite possibility. A member of the angry and deluded generation who found new, radical faiths after their experiences on the battlefields of the First World War, Sorge became a fanatical communist – and the Soviet Union's most formidable spy.

Like many great spies, Sorge was an effortless seducer, combining charm with ruthless manipulation. He did not have to go undercover to find out closely guarded state secrets – his victims willingly shared them. As a foreign correspondent, he infiltrated and influenced the highest echelons of German, Chinese and Japanese society in the years leading up to and including the Second World War. His intelligence regarding Operation Barbarossa and Japanese intentions not to invade Siberia in 1941 proved pivotal to the Soviet counteroffensive in the Battle of Moscow, which in turn determined the outcome of the war.

Never before has Sorge's story been told from the Russian side as well as the German and Japanese. Owen Matthews takes a sweeping historical perspective and draws on a wealth of declassified Soviet archives – along with testimonies from those who knew and worked with Sorge – to rescue the riveting story of the man described by Ian Fleming as 'the most formidable spy in history'.

Download An Impeccable Spy Richard Sorge Stalin Master Agent edition by Owen Matthews Politics Social Sciences eBooks

"Why is this title An Impeccable Spy not available on Audible?"

Product details

  • File Size 5860 KB
  • Print Length 448 pages
  • Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing; 1 edition (March 21, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 21, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read An Impeccable Spy Richard Sorge Stalin Master Agent  edition by Owen Matthews Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Tags : An Impeccable Spy Richard Sorge, Stalin's Master Agent - edition by Owen Matthews. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading An Impeccable Spy Richard Sorge, Stalin's Master Agent.,ebook,Owen Matthews,An Impeccable Spy Richard Sorge, Stalin’s Master Agent,Bloomsbury Publishing,ANF History,Espionage, Soviet - Japan,Europäische Geschichte,GENERAL,General Adult,Geschichte,HISTORY / Europe / Russia the Former Soviet Union,HISTORY / General,HISTORY / Russia the Former Soviet Union,History,History - General History,History/World,History World General,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Intelligence Espionage,Political Science/Intelligence Espionage,Russland,Soviet Union; Russia; John Le Carré; Ian Fleming; James Bond; Communism; KGB; World War II; Stalin; Casanova; Cold War; Operation Barbarossa; MI5; Spies; George Smiley; October revolution; bolshevism; Lenin; Motherland; Maxwell knight,Spies - Biography - Soviet Union,World War, 1939-1945 - Military intelligence - Japan,HISTORY / General,HISTORY / Russia the Former Soviet Union,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Intelligence Espionage,Political Science/Intelligence Espionage,History World General,History

An Impeccable Spy Richard Sorge Stalin Master Agent edition by Owen Matthews Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews :

An Impeccable Spy Richard Sorge Stalin Master Agent edition by Owen Matthews Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews

  • for the fist third of it wanted to rip the pages out of my as the ultimate dry fact-history. And yet as it moved to Sorge's spy network in 1940 per-war Japan it became a real grabber. Recognized internationally, after his death, as a masterful spy for Russia it is a story to be told.
  • Richard Sorge has been one of the most unusual and formidable spies in the annals of espionage. The collapse of the Cold War has has caused the fall of the barriers of an endless nuber of archives throughout the world and especially in the former Eastern European theater. It gave historians and researchers achance to examine the rple intelligence played in the Cold War and the era before it. Enter Owen Matthews , who made use of the Russian archives to write a fascinating book about Sorge ,incorporating into it unknown materials about the famous spy.
    Sorge was the son of a German father and a Russian mother. He was born in 1895. After the First World War, and after witnessing the slaughter and butchery on the Eastern front, he became a Communist and for a living worked as a foreign correspondent. In a short time he was employed in the services of the Fourth Directorate of Stalin , a body which was the father of the KGB. Sorge's career as a spy started in Shanghai, and it is there where Sorge would serve as a spy for comrade Stalin and the Comintern.But this was the place that would serve as a springboard for the real targer Russia that
    was interested in Japan. Sorge would serve as a super spymaster in Tokyo for nine years, , where he managed to steal the most secret military and polotical secrets not only of Japan, but also those of Germany as well.Sorge's best friend in Tokyo was Eugen Ott, the Nazi ambassador to Japan. This man spoke regularly to Hitler and knew about hitler and his staff's intentions regarding the various polcies toward the Far East and Europe.Sorge's top Japanese agent was Hotsumi Ozaki, who was a member of the Japanese cabinet advisory coicil and who supplied Sorge with so mush vital information which was sent to the Ceter in Moscow.
    Sorge was both an idealistic communist and a cynical liar in the service of the Communist revolution. He was a drunk, a womanizer who bedded at leat thiry women (most of them agents who worked for him) and among them the wife of the German ambassador , Helgo Ott, and was often undisciplined who liked to take great risks in his life by crashing cars and motorcycles. He bragged that he was destined to be the carrier of superior knowledgeand a champion of the working class, albeit the fact that he has always complained of being a lonely person. Deception was the name of his game. He deceived everyone-his friends, lovers and even himself.
    The msot known fact about his work was that it was he who warned Stalin about Hitler's intention to invade Russian in the summer of 1941, yet Stalin did not care and the Russian leader's chief of intelligence , General Golikov, dismissed Sorge's reports (and not only his). The Russian archives reveal in great detail insights into Sorge's private world in the form of his letter he sentto his Russian wife, Katya, and in the memoirs and correspondence of his Moscow friends
    and colleagues. It is worth adding that Sorge had an immense appetite for books and was an intellectual
    There were thousands of messages of accurate intelligence which he and his trusted friend Clausen sent to the Fourth Directorate, meaning to Stalin, via a radio-receiving station in Vladivostok which were almost all ignored or not taken seriously. However, one thing was noticed by his masters that Japan was unwilling to start any invasion of Siberia- a fear that somehow was a relief for Stalin who was horrified about the idea of fighting a war on both fronts the East and in Europe.
    How was Sorge caught? By accident, and as a result of a remark made by one of his Japanese colleagues,which led to the exposre of the transmitter engaged to send messages to Moscow. This in October, 1941. Despite his hopes that Russia would save him, his hoped were dashed and Sorge was executed in 1944, after making af ull confession not before saying his fianl words"The Red Army! The Soviet Communist Party!".
    In the 1960s and the 1970s Sorge's adulation came to life , and the Communists extelled Sorge's personality and heroic deed which were praised repeatedly. Thus ,Sorge, who wanted to become a singer, eneded up in the pantheon of Soviet spy saints (althogh his grave is in Tokyo).
    This book, which has 21 chapters-each one describing another aspect of Sorge and his times- is not only well researched, but introduces the reader to hitherto unknown territories about a spy whose Japanese prosecutor said that he had never before met anyone as great as he was. The book , written by a master historian for more than four years, reads like a super- thriller and is packed with an abundance of information.
    More than highly recommended.
  • Why is this title An Impeccable Spy not available on Audible?
More aboutRead Run the Storm A Savage Hurricane a Brave Crew and the Wreck of the SS El Faro George Michelsen Foy 9781501184901 Books

Read Run the Storm A Savage Hurricane a Brave Crew and the Wreck of the SS El Faro George Michelsen Foy 9781501184901 Books

By Bryan Richards

Read Run the Storm A Savage Hurricane a Brave Crew and the Wreck of the SS El Faro George Michelsen Foy 9781501184901 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 288 pages
  • Publisher Scribner; Reprint edition (August 6, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1501184903

Run the Storm A Savage Hurricane a Brave Crew and the Wreck of the SS El Faro George Michelsen Foy 9781501184901 Books Reviews

  • This is a work of integrity, compassion, and old-fashioned shoe-leather journalism. I didn't know much about commercial shipping or weather systems when I opened the book; now I not only know more, I care. How does George Michelsen Foy manage to make a container ship's pumps, holds, and consoles (not to mention the physics of how a tropical depression becomes a Category 4 hurricane) so fascinating? Here's how He starts and ends with El Faro's people, the mates and hands and captain who uncomplainingly do their jobs until they can't do them any more.

    Some "disaster book" authors tug at the reader's pity or conscience by resorting to inventions and assumptions. Foy doesn't play those tricks. When no one knows exactly what occurred at a particular moment, he reports that no one knows exactly what occurred. When he makes an informed guess, he says "maybe" and "perhaps." He acknowledges the agonizing void at the center of this story—the "why" that won't ever be answered. And still he keeps you racing through his book, because you HAVE to know what happens to El Faro and her people at the end.
  • Stories about maritime disasters, airline crashes and similar topics are rarely on my reading list. As a cruising sailor with a lifelong career as an airline pilot I’ve observed that authors and screenwriters rarely get it right in highly specialized and mostly closed fields where much of the reading public has almost no first-hand experience.

    But George M.Foy set the hook with his previous title, “Finding North”, a very personal, well researched and thoroughly fascinating treatment of the navigational imperative that affects us all. Especially significant to me are his treatment of GPS and what he calls, “Cybernav”— automated navigation systems—how they affect us and at what cost?

    With “Run The Storm” Foy reels me right in. This is anything but your ordinary disaster story. His impressively detailed research uncovers the chain of events that conspired as they usually do, to culminate in the finally unavoidable accident while rarely if ever interjecting the author into the story. He relies on factual data, interviews with credible sources, recorded data, historical weather analysis and an amazing amount of large vessel engineering data, yet the human side shines through in ways that range from ordinary to incredible. And it is, in the end, a story of the human spirit, and human failure on many levels. Coast Guard and National Transportation Safety Board investigational results give us their probable cause assessments, but Foy’s gradual un-layering of the details puts the reader in the terrifyingly omniscient position of knowing what’s coming and why, but being unable to shout through the pages to the crew, and the National Weather Service, and the shipping company, to Do Something To Break This Chain!

    With this work, George M. Foy has also exposed a theme common wherever the conflict between corporate profit and safety clash; the pressure either expressed or implied to serve the bottom line first, the potential for inappropriate compromise and the price to be paid for lack of aggressive independent oversight, all themes that are compelling and common as waves on the sea. A great read by a first class author.

    Captain D. Burke Continental Airlines, (Ret)
  • I'm a retired U.S. Coast Guard officer and my specialty was marine safety and security. I can say without reservation that I can't see how any author/researcher could improve on Mr. Foy's book. I have read some of the other books on the El Faro's sinking that have taken on a public fascination probably because the incident happened only three years ago. None of the other books can compare. It's not like reading about the loss of a sailing ship on Cape Horn some 169 years ago on her way to the newly discovered California gold fields. Mr. Foy's writing is witness to the fact that he teaches creative writing at New York University. His style, organization, and clarity of writing were joys to this reader. I'm looking forward to Mr. Foy's future works on shipping that I hope he will pen.
  • I agree with several of the good and the not so good comments people have made about this book. First off, the book is definitely worth the cost and is a good read. Even though I had read through the final NTSB report when it came out and can say there is nothing new in Run the Storm, I still found it hard to put down. The timeline is laid out pretty well, the language is not overly technical, and there is not much bias in regards to conditions that lead up to the disaster. The use of voice transcripts from the recovered ships "black box" were very effective in building the narrative. As for the reason I give this book only 4 stars, the writing could have been edited better. The language at time gets overly flowery like the author bent WAY over backwards to attempt prose when a simple description would have sufficed, and there are sentences that contain several commas and semicolons (as in several of both in a single sentence) that run on for an entire paragraph. That seemed to get worse in the latter half of the book.

    Glad I bought this book and I can say that last section describing when the ship went down, told almost entirely from the voice transcripts, was downright chilling.
  • This is an excellent book with brilliant pacing, wonderful detail, real insight, and a compelling, enlightening story to tell about an isolated world that gets little recognition or understanding, despite its essential importance, and the people who inhabit it. It was hard to put down, especially as it gathered pace, and I can recommend it highly. There's a lot of technical detail, but it's balanced by the human side of the story, and the author does an outstanding job of explaining, as well as possible, an ending that is, by its very nature, completely incomprehensible to anyone still alive.
More aboutRead Run the Storm A Savage Hurricane a Brave Crew and the Wreck of the SS El Faro George Michelsen Foy 9781501184901 Books

Read The Art of the Japanese Garden History / Culture / Design edition by David Young Michiko Young Tan Hong Yew Arts Photography eBooks

By Bryan Richards

Read The Art of the Japanese Garden History / Culture / Design edition by David Young Michiko Young Tan Hong Yew Arts Photography eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 109308 KB
  • Print Length 176 pages
  • Publisher Tuttle Publishing; Paperback with Flaps edition (May 21, 2019)
  • Publication Date May 21, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

The Art of the Japanese Garden History / Culture / Design edition by David Young Michiko Young Tan Hong Yew Arts Photography eBooks Reviews

  • As a Volunteer Guide at our Portland Japanese Garden (one of the very best in North America), I've collected a number of Garden books. This book is my favorite. It is nicely illustrated with pictures, drawings, maps and diagrams. The narrative concerning Garden history, styles and design principles is clear, and concise. Many of the prominent Gardens in Japan are featured. It covers both classical and more modern styles of Gardens. If you get one book on Japanese Gardens, make it this one.
  • Beautiful pictures, and explanations of the different aspects of Japanese gardens
  • I ordered this book somewhat "blind" without having seen it in a bookstore, etc. When it arrived, I must say that I was thrilled with the quality of the text, photos and other illustrations. The book thoroughly covers the basic history, principles and aesthetics of Japanese Gardens. Then it takes an in-depth look at some of the finest gardens of each type found in Japan. Highly recommended.
  • Gave this as a gift and it was well received. My brother started planning out his garden immediately
  • Nice book. Good photos. Excellent subject.
  • Really a great intro to Japanese gardens. One of the best 4 books I own out of over a dozen related to this topic.
  • I bought this book for my husband who is designing his own Japanese garden. The concepts provided in the book have been wonderful for him.
  • One of the best on this subject
More aboutRead The Art of the Japanese Garden History / Culture / Design edition by David Young Michiko Young Tan Hong Yew Arts Photography eBooks

Ebook Challenger Physics Chemistry Mathematics for JEE Main Advanced with past 5 years Solved Papers eBook 9789386146557 Books

By Bryan Richards

PDF Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X Teach Yourself VISUALLY Tech Guy HartDavis Books

Download As PDF : Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X Teach Yourself VISUALLY Tech Guy HartDavis Books

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Product details

  • Series Teach Yourself VISUALLY (Tech)
  • Paperback 320 pages
  • Publisher Visual; 1 edition (October 30, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1119439612

Read Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X Teach Yourself VISUALLY Tech Guy HartDavis Books

Tags : Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X (Teach Yourself VISUALLY (Tech)) (9781119439615) Guy Hart-Davis Books,Guy Hart-Davis,Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X (Teach Yourself VISUALLY (Tech)),Visual,1119439612,Hardware - Mobile Devices,IPhone (Smartphone),Mobile computing,Smartphones.,iPhone (Smartphone).,COMPUTER,COMPUTERS / Hardware / Mobile Devices,Computer Books General,Computer Hardware / Macintosh,Computer/General,Computers,Computers/Hardware - Personal Computers - General,General Adult,Informatik, EDV / Hardware,Monograph Series, any,Non-Fiction,SMART PHONES,United States,iPhone manual; iPhone 7s; iPhone 8; iPhone 7s Plus; iPhone guide; learning iPhone; iOS guide; iPhone screen shots; iPhone tech guide; using iPhone; iPhone set up; iPhone customization; visual iPhone guide; iPhone tutorials; iPhone help; iPhone features; iPhone capabilities; iPhone step-by-step; iPhone simplified; optimizing iPhone performance; iPhone idiot's guide; iPhone instructions; iPhone user manual; iPhone user guide; Teach Yourself VISULLY iPhone; Guy Hart-Davis

Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X Teach Yourself VISUALLY Tech Guy HartDavis Books Reviews :

Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X Teach Yourself VISUALLY Tech Guy HartDavis Books Reviews

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Ebook Challenger Physics Chemistry Mathematics for JEE Main Advanced with past 5 years Solved Papers eBook 9789386146557 Books

By Bryan Richards

Ebook Challenger Physics Chemistry Mathematics for JEE Main Advanced with past 5 years Solved Papers eBook 9789386146557 Books

Product details

  • Paperback
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 938614655X

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