» Download Strong Is the New Pretty A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves Kate T Parker 9780761189138 Books
Bryan Richards on Saturday, 1 June 2019
Download Strong Is the New Pretty A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves Kate T Parker 9780761189138 Books

Product details - Paperback 256 pages
- Publisher Workman Publishing Company (March 7, 2017)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0761189130

Strong Is the New Pretty A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves Kate T Parker 9780761189138 Books Reviews
- After getting the book today, both my young daughters kept begging me to read additional pages and both separately asked if they could be the ones to keep it in their room to read before falling asleep. I thought it would be a good coffee table book in our house, but had no idea it would resonate with them quite that much. I purchased it after my youngest experienced some bullying at school after getting a pixie (very short) haircut that she was very proud about. I loved that the intro to the book happened to talk about girls and short hair cuts. After going through many pages of the book, my daughter asked if I could take photos of her being strong and she could write about how she is strong. So glad to have come across this book!
- I sent this book to my six-year-old "No princesses!" and "No pink!" granddaughter Sophie because she is athletic she swims, climbs, hikes, rides a bike, and competes with her older brother. She is who she is and is determined and fierce and joyful with whatever she attempts to do. Recently she's been shinnying up street signs in San Francisco, where her family lives. She made her own Halloween costume this year the heroine from How to Train Your Dragon.
The young girls inside this book talk about their lives in a paragraph accompanying each photograph. The book is divided into nine sections Confident Is Strong, Wild Is Strong, Resilient Is Strong, and so on.
I also bought the book as a Halloween treat for the three little girls who live in the house behind me, kindergarten through sixth grade. Their dad built a balance beam for them where they practice walkovers and other amazing gymnastics. Each goes to her own after school program ballet, water polo, and gymnastics. Their dad told me that they all sat pouring over the pictures in the book, heads together, discussing what they saw. Perfection. - This special book has sparked many interesting conversations in my family--not only among the kids, but with my husband and I, too. We have given it as gifts and my 10-yr old daughter has shown it to every friend she has.
I hope this is the first of many "Strong" books and would also love to see a similar book featuring boys challenging male stereotypes.
A worthwhile purchase for anyone, but especially meaningful for kids between the ages of 6&16, IMO. - I first skimmed this book in a bookstore and then ordered here on for my 2 daughters - 8 and 5 years old. Looking through it originally, I liked format of the book, which is pictures of actual subjects doing something they love along with a quote from them. The positive messages are also the things we try to instill in our girls daily.
What I didn't quite expect is just how drawn my daughters would be to it. My 8 year old loves to read, and after handing her this book she proceeded to spend the next 2 hours reading every page. She absolutely loved it and showed me all her favorite pages. My 5 year old is just learning to read so we read it together, and she was also very engaged. On pages where there were multiple girls she wanted to know who was the one quoted.
Today, and I'm sure more so in the future, young girls are misguided about what really matters. So much in society is placed on what others think (especially given social media), and I'd like for my girls to have a better foundation than that. Seeing the positive & "can do" quotes in this book, spoken by girls that they can relate to, can help them form that inner strength that will propel them in their lives. - This is a gorgeous book full of inspiration. The pictures are unique and each one makes me think of a different triumph. If you are looking for a feel good, inspirational book of pictures this is it. It is not complicated but it is perfect. I really love it.
- This book is just amazing. The photography is beautiful, and the short and simple quotes from all the girls are powerful. I love the few paragraphs of vision for each section, as well. It's a perfect book to flip through for encouragement and inspiration for any girl.
- LOVE everything about this book. Love that promotes girls being unapologetically themselves and finding beauty in strength, courage, and kindness.
My 9 and 11 year old girls browse through the quotes and pictures often and tell me how "cool" this book is. Thank you Kate Parker for using your beautiful photography to shine a light on our girls in such a positive way!
(My only quip... item came damaged. But that's my delivery guy's fault, as the shipping box was also damaged.) - This book is filled with incredible photos and quotes from strong beautiful girls/ladies. So powerful and inspirational. A must purchase!